Making A New TTRPG

Making something new can be scary, but a challenge is always something that can be just as exciting and memorable as it is terrifying. I am going to be making a new TTRPG, brand new with my favorite parts of others and my own home rules. This website has been dormant for too long, so I will be using it to document my progress.

Update #4 The Worldbuilding

Being a Balanced Game

Combat & Classes

Enter the Mysteria

The Goals

I have 4 main goals,

  • Make A New TTRPG Inspired byu One Piece that incorparates it’s ideas into a D20 system
  • Have the game be free to all, or cost at most $10
  • Have the book be a minimum of 100 pages
  • Provide biweekly updates on this website

I hope to do all of these in the future, and as someone who is brand new to the scene charging money for this seems to not work. Although I will also have to register an LLC or business of some kind to document any expenses incurred. I luckily make enough in my current job to cover those costs. Finding a graphic designer to help with the character sheets is the scariest thing to me.

I will also be starting a youtube channel to document certain parts of the process and as a creative outlet.

Creating New Rules

The big struggle of the TTRPG space is not to infringe on other people and to make rules that are unique enough to this to make people want to play it. This will be heavily inspired by other TTRPGs, which is why the core rules will be free to all. The only thing I would want to charge people for is the world-building and npc’s. With that in mind, I will also need playtesters at some point. So I have my fingers crossed that in 6 months I will have a big-enough audience to do this.

Current Progress

A list of current classes

  • Brawler
  • Swordsman
  • Gunner
  • Tank
  • Navigator
  • Conqueror

I will be going into breakdowns of all the above classes as they go through the many phases. I have on my list for each class to have at least 10 levels. Then have advanced abilities and powers to strive for after that point to make them more modular in a fun way.

D20 system and Stats

My dream TTRPG, now that I am making a new one I can fix what I see as problems. A pet peeve of mine is RPG systems that don’t use all the dice. Thanks to D&D, dice are sold in the d20 sets so I want a game that uses them. I don’t want dice to be left out. This will make the system more complicated, but it hopefully won’t be too bad in the long run. I currently want 3 unique skills associated with each of the 6 stats. This also is something I have to be careful of as copyright may be an issue.


Not much here yet, just my baseline. A world made up of an archipelago of islands that is changing and in constant flux, with tools to help a DM build their own island very quickly. As a forever DM, I plan on making and adding as many DM tools as I can

The Future of This Site

This will become a site for my biweekly updates on this, and the scripts for any youtube videos I make. Sorry for all the promises I made in previous posts, I was a decent amount into many of the projects I wanted to do, but then life happened. This is a hobby for me, and I want to leave a lasting impact on the RPG space. Making a new RPG will do that, and maybe someone will love it. You miss every opportunity you don’t take right?

Jack of All Trades Gaming
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[…] to the first Biweekly update, and the summary of just a little bit of the work I have done. The stats, Mysteria, skills, and a […]

2 years ago

Cool man. Keep it up


[…] all, so due to having a crazy week I was not able to keep up with the bi-weekly posts, but here is still the promised update and hopefully the last and only delay in it. I focused my […]


[…] Originally I had the below 4 goals […]


[…] The RPG takes place in a world that is an Archipelago of islands that exist in a state of false peace. Island Nations are at war with the pirates who took advantage of a strange new power known as Mysteria. With these strange powers, many warlords and even men of peace stood up and took territories for themselves. A charismatic king united many of them, some think with the power of a Mysteria, and now the majority of the islands are under the control of The True Order. Anyone who opposes this new rule, well those are just pirates.… Read more »


[…] that could go wrong in my life for the last 3 odd months heavily killed all my motivation to work on this. However I am back, and working on this again. I will put the rough drafts for 2 new classes below, […]

Robb Hughes
Robb Hughes
2 years ago

I have photoshop and can help design a character sheet once you have the info you want complete. It’s a free option and if it helps you get to where you want to be, ill gladly help. It also won’t hurt my feelings if you don’t use it or replace it. My email is listed but I get tons of junk. If I don’t respond, it only means I missed the email and please don’t hesitate to be persistent.

Ed of the Wilves
Ed of the Wilves
2 years ago

Haven’t read anything but the title but it sounds right on.

Ed of the Wolves
Ed of the Wolves
2 years ago

Sorry but that last text was from me.

1 year ago

Is this project still being worked on?


[…] be linked here when done. As far as the site goes, there will be more of a focus on the lore of my TTRPG as I attempt to playtest the rules with my current D&D group and get idea’s from others […]


[…] that time has passed a long-due update is needed, and here we have leveling being addressed as I have a solution! Making a TTRPG is a fun […]

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